GCH/ARMCH Primrose Hill U Celandine
7*M 1*D +EE+ 86 EX 91.8
Cou Claire with moonspots
DOB: 04/08/2020 Height: 20 3/4"
ADGA Linear Appraisal Scores
2022: 2YO 2F: +EE+ 86
DHI Results
Displayed as:
Number of Days in Milk - lbs of butterfat (%) - lbs of protein (%)
2021: 1YO 1F
232 DIM: 296 - 19 (6.4%) - 14 (4.7%)
2022: 2YO 2F
224 DIM: 532 - 24 (4.5%) - 21 (3.9%)
2023: 3YO 3F
305 DIM: 931 - 44 (4.7%) - 39 (4.2%)
AGS Classification Scores
2022: 2 YO, 2F = VG+ 89.4
-- General Appearance: 31.4/35 = 89.7%
-- Dairy Character: 13.6/15 = 90.7%
-- Body Capacity: 13.2/15 = 88.0%
-- Mammary System: 31.2/35 = 89.1%
2023: 3 YO, 3F = EX 91.8
-- General Appearance: 32.3/35 = 92.3%
-- Dairy Character: 13.3/15 = 88.7%
-- Body Capacity: 13.5/15 = 90.0%
-- Mammary System: 32.7/35 = 93.4%
Show Results
2020: Junior
1 x 2nd
2021: 1YO 1F
3 x 3rd
2022: 2YO 2F
2023: 3YO 3F
5 x 1st - 6 x 2nd - 2 x 3rd - 1 x 4th - 1 x 5th
2 x RCH - 1 x GCH
2024: 4YO 4F
2 x 1st
2 x GCH
2 x BOB